What’s Stopping You From Getting Organized?

1.      When I am done using something, I usually put it

a.      Wherever I last used it, I don’t have a system set up for where to store items

b.      Somewhere easy to see and access so I can quickly find it again

c.      Where it belongs immediately, or in a neat pile for “later”

d.      Wherever I can fit it, I tend to hide things here, there, and everywhere


2.      The largest clutter issue you face is…

a.      Inside closets, cabinets, drawers, and spare rooms

b.      I might need it in the future!

c.      Paper and other important items

d.      Clutter is my life. It’s everywhere.


3.      Can you easily throw (non-food items!) away?

a.      Throw away?! I only recycle!

b.      No, that’s difficult for me. What if I regret it? I might need it someday!

c.      Yes, no problem.

d.      I usually need some incentive, but then I can manage.


4.      What do you do with holiday cards?

a.      Display them during the season and then recycle them away once Christmas is over

b.      Put them in a basket during the season and then stash them in a closet

c.      Read them and smile but then immediately toss them

d.      Christmas cards? I find them everywhere around the house all year long!


5.      You just inherited your great aunt’s wedding china. What do you do with it?

a.      Sell it. There is a market for china – you’ve just gotten find the right buyer!

b.      Set it aside so your daughter can have it when she owns a home that has space for it.

c.      Talk to your family about your memories with your great aunt, then donate the china to Good Will.

d.      Put it in the attic. You’ll figure out what to do with it later, but you certainly can’t get rid of it!


6.      How does being surrounded by clutter make you feel?

a.      I can live with some. It’s when i it starts to pile up, that I have to motivate myself to take action.

b.      I can’t stand it. But it’s a necessary evil as I don’t have room for everything to be stored. However, I try to stay one step ahead of it through daily routines.

c.      What clutter? I’m an organizing pro.

d.      It doesn’t bother me. I love my stuff and organizing isn’t my thing.


7.      How do you feel about living with less stuff?

a.      Having less makes me feel better about the environment and my impact on it.

b.      If I didn’t have stuff, how would I cherish my memories?

c.      Living with less is my way of life.

d.      I try not to think about what I would do if I had to get rid of stuff..


8.      If a professional organizer came to help you organize your kitchen and suggests some purging, how do you react?

a.      I’ve never used my fondue pot, but I paid a lot of money for that!

b.      Hold on, those rusted bundt cake pans were Grandma’s!

c.      Oh no, my good silverware, plates and flutes; I’m saving them all for a special occasion.

d.      I love to craft so those decades old beans might come in handy one day!


9.      What happened the last time you got stuck during an organizing project?

a.      You had trouble donating items – you paid so much for them!

b.      You couldn’t get rid of things because your kids/grandkids might need them someday!

c.      When going through old photos – you were stalled on memory lane.

d.      I haven’t – I dread it too much to start.


10.   Finish this sentence: “I’m saving that for…”

a.      Do you know how much I paid for that?

b.      For the kids/grandkids, if they ever need it.

c.      For when I lose weight and it fits again.

d.      A fancy dinner party I dream of hosting someday but never have

If you answered…

Mostly A’s… You don’t like to waste things – whether that be money or resources. Did you know that getting organized can actually save you money? And you can feel good knowing that you’re donating items in your home to places that will give them a new life – and to people that might really need them.

Mostly B’s… You are very sentimental and have a hard time letting go of items. It just doesn’t feel right to let go of things that have been in your family for a generation or more. “Guilt is a very powerful emotion that people, especially women, tend to attach to things”. Try to remind yourself – is it the item itself that’s so powerful or the ritual that was created by using it. Will your great-grandmother be upset you don’t use her china anymore or happy that you still gather with extended family to celebrate the holidays? By letting go of items, you remember the traditions they installed in your life, but also, create room to make new ones with future generations.

Mostly C’s…You are well organized but tend to be aspirational when saving things. You hold on to clothes that don’t fit anymore with the hope that they one day will. Or buy more glassware than you need “just in case” you can’t get it anymore. The reality is that our tastes change. So, if we finally lose that weight – we’re going to want new clothes! And that glassware you love – guaranteed you’ll see glasses you love as much, if not more, the next time you go shopping and in years to come. Holding onto things that don’t serve us can also be depressing. Take a page from Marie Kondo’s book – and if that piece of clothing is making you feel bad because it doesn’t fit, or the glassware is reminding you that you don’t have 10 people to invite over at once – get rid of it! It’s no longer sparking joy.

Mostly D’s…You just don’t like organizing and that’s okay! It can’t be everyone’s jam. However, if it’s stopping you from hosting friends, feeling less stressed, or talking to your kids about what they’re going to do with all your stuff when you die then it might be time to act. Hiring a professional organizer is a great place to start and hold yourself accountable! (See Why Hire a Professional Organizer.) Not only can a pro help get you where you need to be, but they can also install systems so staying organized is a cinch – because none of us should spend too much time doing things that we don’t enjoy!


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Why Hire a Professional Organizer?