Why Hire a Professional Organizer?

We all go through the cost-benefit analysis when purchasing any sort of item or service and asking ourselves, “Is it worth doing myself or paying for?” Sometimes these analyses are overt – “Should I pay for a cleaning service or clean my home myself?” Other times we might not even realize we do it because it’s so ingrained in our habits i.e. “Should I buy the cookies at the store or bake them myself.”

The same cost-benefit analysis should be done for hiring a Professional Organizer. Here are the top 10 reasons that the benefit may outweigh the cost:

  1. You’ve been saying for weeks, months or years “I need to get organized.” If this is you then it’s time to hire a professional. If you already recognize that your clutter is a problem, but after a significant amount of time haven’t found the motivation to deal with it, then there probably isn’t going to be a seismic shift in your life that forces you to. It might finally be time to hold yourself accountable and call a professional.

  2. You want to save money! This is a biggie that’s not often discussed. Not only are you investing in your mental well-being but how many times have you lost something, only to buy a new one and find the lost item later? Or engaged in practices of buying items that you really don’t need? We all do it. A great Professional will help you recognize your patterns so you can start avoiding accumulating “junk” in the future.

  3. When you do organize a space, it only stays that way for a few weeks. You’ve probably engaged in moving things around, stashing them in drawers or bins in order to quickly get things “organized” from an outside perspective. However, have you taken the time to understand how you use items in a space? A professional will help determine where to put often used items and store less used ones so that you have a functional system that works for you.

  4. You have a hard time letting go of possessions. Decluttering is more than just throwing things out. It’s the process of evaluating why you hold onto things and find solutions to avoid falling into these same practices in the future. According to Jstor Daily, “hoarding is actually a totally normal and adaptive behavior.” A professional can often be a therapist in this process, helping you realize what you should keep and what it’s time to let go of, by helping you realize the underlying reasons you hold onto things.

  5. Getting started gives you anxiety or you feel overwhelmed about where to start. Starting any project is hard. A professional brings years of wisdom in tackling large projects and will have a process in place to get started. For me, the more “stuff” a person has, the more fun the project!

  6. You just don’t have time (or don’t want to make the time). We’re all busy! And we need to prioritize our time. A professional will involve you in the decluttering process so hiring one is not a totally hands-off activity. However, much of the work can be done without you. See here for our 6-step process in which we allow our clients to be involved in as much as they want, but the only step necessary for them is step 3 “Consider.”

  7. You don’t want to do it alone. Everything is more fun with a friend!

  8. You need Accountability. A professional isn’t there to judge you for what you’ve got stashed around your home, but they’re also not there to tell you it’s okay to hold onto everything. They’re going to push you on why you need to hold onto 10 pairs of black pants or why your family needs to have a back-up waffle maker. Ultimately, the decision to let go of things is your choice, but a professional will have you justify what you keep, if only to yourself.

  9. You need fresh ideas. A professional is equipped to outfit all kinds of spaces – small & large – with a system that works for the client.

  10. You feel guilty letting things go. We live in a consumerist society. Whether you feel guilty because of the effects on the climate, family displeasure from getting ready of an heirloom, “wasting” money that’s already been spent, or a myriad of other reasons – a professional can help you understanding what your guilt steps from and provide ways to alleviate it. They also have resources so that when you let go of something – you’re not just sending it to the dump, but re-homing it for its next life.

Now that we’ve discussed whether you should hire a professional organizer. Here are the top 5 benefits you should see from their services:

  1. Learn lasting habits to stay organized. With a professional comes a lot of knowledge on how to keep your newly organized space pristine. In addition, they will have put a system in place that serves your unique needs and lifestyle.

  2. Anxiety levels decrease. More on the wellness aspects of an organized space next week on our blog, but according to Kristen Fuller, MD, “clutter can actually have a negative impact on your mental health. Clutter can increase stress levels, make it difficult to focus, take a toll on relationships, and more.” Organizing your space will help you achieve a better piece of mind.

  3. Help you practice self-compassion. There is no guilt or shame in the organizing process. It should be a way to acknowledge the life you’ve lived thus far and appreciate the items that you do keep. Like a good therapist (but certainly not a replacement for one!), a professional organizer should give you tips and tricks to practice self-love when maintaining an organized space.

  4. Increased Productivity. Now that your space is organized, you can focus on the tasks you have at hand – whether that be working in your home office, or relaxing with your family, you’ll get more accomplished in a clean and orderly space.

  5. It actually gets done! How long have you been talking about “getting organized”?! Well now you’ve accomplished that goal!


What’s Stopping You From Getting Organized?