Recycling Stations

One of the biggest headaches my clients have in staying organizing is what to do with all the disposable items we receive that we don’t want to just throw away. This goes beyond the basic aluminum, plastic, and newspaper recyclables that many communities pick up. Whatever your recycling needs - you need to have a place to put these items before properly disposing of them. Whether those items be pill bottles (most communities don’t recycle #5 plastics), glass (Nashville, for example, doesn’t pick up glass in their curbside recycling bins), plastic grocery bags, batteries, you name it!

Behold - the recycling station! An in-home bin system to collect all those items in their own containers. When they’re full, take them to the drop-off location (or mail them back in envelopes such as prepaid shipping labels for used Nespresso pods). Here are some ideas to get you started.


Conquering Hoarding: Overcoming Scarcity Mindset


Purging Old Electronics